Custom Instructions



Wiring up your new car stereo can be confusing and complicated. There are so many steps and the installation instructions can be unclear. The Crutchfield call center receives many calls that essential boil down into step-by-step walkthroughs and would like to reduce the amount of the calls.


Create a home base that compiles and displays the customers’ car, purchased stereo, all supplies needed, and all of the steps that are needed to complete the stereo installation.

My role

Manage and organize brainstorming sessions, requirements and wireframes. Observe and listen into call center phone calls to see what information customers are seeking. Create high fidelity prototypes. Refine the page using user feedback.


The custom instructions page has been implemented and is included in the order confirmation email. The call center has experienced reduction in installation based calls and mentioned that they refer to this page when they do receive these calls.

Requirements and comps

The needs of the call center employees and the customers required that the page include these elements:

  • Show the car, stereo, speakers, and accessories that were purchased in the customers order

  • Show all accompanying instructions (product manuals, wiring guide, mastersheet)

  • Tools needed for the installation

  • Any notes or warnings

  • Installation videos

  • Page design needs to be flexible enough to add new components/sections. The stakeholders plan to expand the elements on this page in future iterations

I began creating a low fidelity comp that organized all the information that a customer would need in a logical order. I worked closely with the stakeholders and other designers to refine the comps. The overall layout did not change much, we reorder the sections and removed some elements to keep the page focused. The visual designers helped flesh out the new icons and illustrations used in the tools section. As the comp process came to a close, I began to work on the prototype.

Production and Conclusion

Once the prototype was complete, I handed the project over to our back end developers who worked their magic. Before the page was released out to our production site, I reviewed the page with the creative director and UX lead to catch any mistakes.

The custom instructions page has been implemented and is included in the order confirmation email. The call center has experienced reduction in installation based calls and mentioned that they refer to this page when they do receive these calls.


Speaker shopping


Store location